28 Spring Street · Eureka Springs, AR

Redneck Life Expansion: Livin’ the Dream

Redneck Life Expansion: Livin’ the Dream


SKU: 663593209894 Category:


In this fun-filled Expansion for Redneck Life Board Game, we have included a Score Sheet Pad, 20 New Rigs, 10 New Homes, 50 fun-filled Go Redneckin' Cards, Rig Sleeve, All New Charts, and a new Name Placard for the center of your existing game board! Requires Redneck Life Base Game.

Redneck Life Board Game takes you on a journey through Blue Collar Americana! A roll of 2 dice determines the grade you complete in school, which sets you up for one of 11 fabulous careers such as Mullet Salon Operator or Monster Truck Announcer.Players go into debt to purchase a vehicle, and a home, get hitched, divorced, re-married, and raise some young'ns.Through accidents and brawls, your character loses teeth during the game. Buy some back if you can as the player with the most teeth remaining at the end of the game wins!

1 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632