28 Spring Street · Eureka Springs, AR

Front Porch Cribbage

Front Porch Cribbage


SKU: 802221537057 Category:
Genre: Family  Strategy  
Age: 10+  
Min Players: 2  
Max Players: 6  
Time: 30 Minutes  


Cribbage is a classic card game that has been played for centuries, and was originally played by sailors who moved pegs along holes carved into almost any part of a ship.

The Front Porch Classics' Cribbage game features 3-track scoring, a solid wood board, 9 metal scoring pegs, 1 deck of playing cards, and rules to play 7 different variations of Cribbage. All game pegs store in a hidden compartment under the game board.

Players: 2 or more

Ages: 8 and up

1 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632