28 Spring Street · Eureka Springs, AR

Scrabble: Tile Lock

Scrabble: Tile Lock


SKU: 714043011434 Category:


Your Scrabble words won't be slip slidin' away, thanks to this board's clever "tile-lock" design. There are also soft pads on its bottom that allow you to effortlessly slide the board across a table or rotate it for a better view. And, the compact size of the board, tiles and racks, make the game ideal for travel. You can play Scrabble in a car, train, plane or boat with no worries!


  • Official plastic Scrabble gameboard with tile lock system
  • 100 plastic Scrabble letter tiles
  • 4 plastic tile racks
  • 1 drawstring tile bag and instructions.

1 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632