28 Spring Street · Eureka Springs, AR

Mad Libs: Pet Parade

Mad Libs: Pet Parade


SKU: 9780593521533 Category:


Cats and dogs have one thing in common: they both love to wear ARTICLE OF CLOTHING (PLURAL)! With 84 “fill-in-the-blank” stories about famous cats, talking dogs, and pet shops, Pet ParadeMad Libs has something for every animal lover! Play alone, in a group, or at the stables! Mad Libs are a fun family activity recommended for ages 8 to NUMBER.

Pet Parade Mad Libs includes:

Four complete Mad Libs books in one collection: Meow Libs, Dog Ate My Mad Libs, Pets-a-PaloozaMad Libs, and Hold Your Horses Mad Libs!

Silly stories: 84 "fill-in-the-blank" stories all about animals!

Language arts practice: Mad Libs are a great way to build reading comprehension and grammar skills.

– Fun with Friends: each story is a chance for friends to work together to create unique stories!

1 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632