28 Spring Street · Eureka Springs, AR

Sorry! : DICED

Sorry! : DICED


SKU: 195166131528 Category:


Ready, Set, Roll! It's a different way to play the Sorry! game. In this edition of the game, individual player bases replace the gameboard, and players roll the dice to sweet revenge — and win! The game includes 3 dice that determine a player's luck as they try to get a complete color set of pawns to their Home wedge to win. Sorry! Diced is a compact and portable game making it a great game for travel and for on-the-go play. It's easy to learn, and if your kids are looking for a quick game, it can be played in under 20 minutes.

2-4 Players

Ages 6+


Game Case

Start base

4 Home bases

16 Pawns

3 Dice

Dice labels

Game rules

1 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632