28 Spring Street · Eureka Springs, AR

Geek Out! Family

Geek Out! Family


SKU: 803004662034
Genre: Family  Party  Trivia  
Age: 8+  
Min Players: 2  
Max Players: 99  
Time: 30 Minutes  


Geek Out! is the outrageous game that finds out once and for all which player is the most knowledgeable about your favorite pop culture subjects! In the game, you will draw cards asking you to list things which fall under a certain category. Before you begin, however, the other players may try to steal your points (and bragging rights!), by bidding to list even more than the card requires. The bidding continues until one player is ready to "out-geek" their friends and family. The award-winning geek trivia party game has taken on a new twist in this brand-new Geek Out Family Edition! Level the playing field with topics the whole family geeks out over! This edition uses the same bidding mechanic made popular in the original Geek Out!, but also includes a Gameboard and features topics in categories like Science, Music, History, Pop Culture, and more! You don't have to be a geek (but it helps!) to win this amazing social interaction and bluffing party game of geek lists!


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1 Center Street, Eureka Springs, AR 72632